Creating Video Content

How to record videos for content creation


Written by Ramona Melnichuk

Updated over a week ago

Just right
Just right
Too far
Too far
Too close
Too close


  • Use your phone, turn it vertical, and hit record
  • Do not hold your phone, use a tripod or have someone else hold it for you (link to tripod)
  • You can stand or sit, just make sure you’re correctly positioned in the frame (see picture) 
  • The video should be 5-10 minutes long

Choosing the right content

Watch our CEO, Cory York, give his secret sauce for content creation that WINS! Link to the video

  • Who is your ideal audience?
  • What are the challenges your ideal customer faces right before buying your product/service?
  • How can you solve the challenges for them?

Video Structure

1. Start by introducing the topic.
  • "In this video, I am going to give you 5 tips on how to…”
  • Use the title of your video
2. List the 3 most common challenges your ideal customer faces related to the topic.
  • “A lot of you struggle with…and are not able to…”
3. What are the 3 benefits this video is going to provide? Why should someone watch the video? 
  • “In this video, you’re going to get a better understanding of XYZ”
  • “I will give you tips on how to solve this issue”
4. Tell a quick story relating to the topic. 
  • Make it personal and share your journey.
5. Share your framework/tips/advice 
  • List them as individual points.
6. End with a “Call-to-action” and why the viewer should work with you and how to reach how you.